
Oh Shit Son!!!

I have an almost backed bag, a little cash, a one-way ticket to Oakland, and hope, and 2 hours before I leave the house for my flight. Oh, and of course I got Ambien for the flight.

I have not the slightest clue as to what will happen from here on out, but this feeling of uncertainty brings me back to the only other time in life that no one is ever fully cognizant of its ramifications. The time I am referring to is the loss of innocence--losing virginity. This is truly one of the only times, if not the premier event, that you have NO clue on what it all means. You know how Steve Carell in The 40-year Old Virgin is so productive before he has sex? Far be it from me, but it makes you wonder how different life would be without sex. Life actually starts when you loss your virginity. Everything unfolds and accordingly falls into play simply because you had sex for the first time. Alcohol consumption is founded upon sex, as is war, children books, and paganism.

Really take a moment to not only reflect on what I am trying to get at, but use your own personal narrative. I don't want to write too much on this, I am feeling lazy I won't lie. But losing one's virginity opens the world up in so many ways. Literally everything you do is a chain reactions stemming from initial intercourse.


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