
First Satuday of College Football!!!!!

This picture is of a place in Kalimpong, Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India. This is trash. Know what else is trash? Besides The Knicks, hipsters/Williamsburg, and no sex on the first night? The game. Not like the rapper, Game, but the hip-hop game. Everyone knows this, so I'm not stating anything new. Yet, Shay and I were having a discussion over our weekly Saturday blunt brunch about the hip-hop game and how its full of biters. Now, most hip-hop critics hate the game right now because of the content. Others, hate it because its old--made of old people and stale. All these are true, but we're talking about the fact that the game features a lot people jackin' beats, stealing hooks and gimmicks. Its absurd. All you have to do is hear some cat's shit, bite it, and you'll get radio play. By biitng someone else, you start a trend. Its really just a trend of biters.

Okay, so I have been asked multiple times to address a particular matter. I feel that the picture I have taken above, as well as the MoMa endorsed fine/post-modern/Japanese Hibiscus infused art below, fits the mold in which I will also lay this matter out. Bad weaves and saggy titties.
To be honest, I know they are horrible but I didn't know it was an issue to address in an offline, non-interent blog arena. I have grown in a household where every summer I went on vacation and was to bring my Dad back a vulgar--usually sexually vulgar--t-shirt. From these t-shirts, as a young boy, probably staring around 8 years-old, I know about 30 different types of breast. I have supplemented that completely gender perpetuating statement by way of experience with various types as well. I'm rabbling and I haven't even gotten started. Bad weaves are disrespectful. They disrespect the person and their perceived sense of self. They disrespect the profession of hairstyling. But they disrespect the viewer most importantly. I don't like to be disrespected and I especially don't wish to be disrespected while you disrespect yourself as well. Then we're all fucked.

Saggy breasts on the other hand are not disrespectful. They are not intentionally harmful. Its just embarrassing. I don't even feel comfortable talking about this, and I won't. As I said before, I have been asked multiple times to speak on these issues. By a girl. If you asked.

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